This week I certainly didn’t let my daughter play with her cloth diapers while I was folding the rest of the laundry. And I definitely didn’t look the other way and keep on folding when she stuck the diaper insert in her mouth. Even though they had been pre-washed, washed, and double-rinsed, who knows what sort of nasty germies could have still been hiding in there. I didn’t do that. Nope, not me!
I definitely didn’t rush my friend’s children off to VBS ten minutes early, so I could make it to my book discussion group on time. And then when I hurriedly proceeded to drop off her youngest child at her house, I definitely didn’t call my friend “Jen” – when her name is NOT “Jen, definitely NOT even close to “Jen”, and in fact "Jen" is the name of one of our mutual friends. Confusing people's names is tacky. Confusing your friends' name is completely tacky. I would never do that. Not me!
In my rush to make it to the book discussion I didn’t fly past the empty parking lot, baby-in-tow, completely ignoring the fact that there were no other cars there. Nor did I have to read the flier on the door TWICE to realize that I had mistaken the time for the book discussion altogether, and that I was actually an hour early. All that rushing around, forgetting people’s names business for nothing.
This morning, in my Monday-Morning-Do-I-Have-To-Get-Up-Stupor, I definitely did not accidentally drop my socks into the toilet. That would be gross. Especially if the toilet had been used the night before, and somebody hadn’t flushed it. But I would never do that – that is just disgusting! Definitely, not me!
On our three hour trip to The Big City this weekend, I did not take loads of snapshots of Juliette, in a vain attempt to keep her happy and content – but mostly because I was board. That doesn’t sound anything like me. And I didn’t then make my husband look at all the cute shots I took, while he was trying to steer our car through the steep and windy mountainous pass. Nope, not me!
I didn’t forget to get a vital element of my husband’s Father’s Day gift from The Big City either, even though we went to a specific store just for that purpose. How could I leave the store (and The Big City) without even realizing that I had forgotten the very thing that I went there for. I’d never to that.
When I started this little ritual, I might have thought that I might run out of things to blog about for Not-Me-Monday. But as you can see, I'm clearly full of less-than-remarkable moments. Check out confessions of others who practice Not-Me-Mondays here:

Ok, so I had to join this after last week's events at our house....
ReplyDeleteLOL on the whole book club timing- sounds like something I would do
If this makes you feel better I called the actual Jen "Gail" yesterday. Oops, not me.