Tuesday, June 23, 2009

An Almost Anniversary

Seth and I are celebrating our anniversary tonight, even though our actual anniversary is tomorrow. Seth is scheduled to play in the second-half of a two-week golf tournament tomorrow night, so I told him that it would be okay if we celebrated tonight. I'm nice like that.

Actually, seeing that I have told several people that our anniversary is today, the 23rd, when in fact it is the 24th, I'm in no position to complain. I even told the lady who publishes the church directory that it was the 23rd. Oops!

I keep using the lame excuse that I get confused because we were almost married on the 23rd. We couldn't find a large enough facility that had availability on the 23rd, so we switched the date to the 24th. So the 23rd is our Almost Anniversary. But seriously, it is a pretty lame excuse. One should remember the day on which they were married!!

So if I can't keep the date straight, I am not going to insist that we celebrate on the actual day. Shoot, let's just forget dates altogether and celebrate the entire week! Like I said, I'm nice like that.

Happy Almost Anniversary Seth!

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