I also didn't agree to take let my husband take Juliette and I golfing, when she really should have been at home and asleep in her bed. And this did not happen just once but twice this week. I mean a good mother insists that her child have regular and consistent bedtimes.
When Juliette got antsy, I definitely didn't just let her crawl around on the putting green.
I mean there are all sorts of chemicals on that grass, and who knows how many mosquitoes might be lurking about.
And I definitely didn't just take a ton of snapshots, when it was supposed to be my turn to putt. I mean who gets distracted when they should be focusing on trying to put that little ball in the even seemingly smaller whole. Not me!

Nor did I try to distract her by letting her investigate my putter. Not me!

And I definitely didn't lay my daughter down for her nap without her pants on. Nor was I completely surprised to learn that she now knows how to unhook the Velcro and un-diaper herself - making a complete mess out of herself, her clothing, and her bedding. But if something like that would have happened last week, I definitely would not have already written a post about it. Nope, NOT ME!
Check out more Not-Me-Monday fun here:

I'm not a proud grandma and I didn't think this article was absolutely adorable. nope, not me. mimijo