Especially with the trash can in the picture.

Doesn't it just reek of romance?
Actually, in case you were starting to get worried, we didn't just hang out in the parking lot last night, staring at our canoe and inhaling our rotten garbage. Seth took me on a river adventure - just the two of us - exploring the sights and sounds of the beautiful river that runs through our town. And boy was it romantic.
We saw lots of wildlife - deer eating the lush river grasses, ducks nesting atop their precious unhatched eggs, Canadian Geese cozying up with their life-time mates among the wild irises. Each and every bend in the river brought us to new sights and sounds. Along one turn we came across a new-born fawn standing on the bank. It still sported its spots, and its big ears and eyes turned towards us inquisitively. It was the smallest fawn Seth and I have ever seen - standing no more than about twenty inches high. How I wished then that I had a waterproof camera!
The weather was luxuriously warm, the sunset was vibrant, and to top it all off, Seth and I were serenaded.
That's right.
Along the way, we kept hearing music, but we couldn't figure out where it was coming from. At first we thought it must be some fisherman camped along the river. But as we continued on, it started to sound more and more like a live band. Sure enough, we finally rounded a corner and came upon a band that was playing for a private river party. And guess what . . . they were playing the EXACT song that Seth and I had our first dance to. Is that romantic or what?
We never could have planned it out to happen so perfectly. As Seth and I floated on past the party, I had tears in my eyes. What a special Almost-Anniversary gift from the Author of Romance Himself!
What fabulous memories we will cherish of our sunset-river adventure. Even after the mosquito bites fade. Now isn't that romantic?
What an awesome story :-) I love stuff like that.