Thursday, June 11, 2009

Things I Wish I Would Have Practiced

I believe in the adage, "Practice makes perfect".

Well, actually I believe in something close to that:"Practice makes better" or "Practice should make better".

Now that I'm a mom, there are a few things I wished I would have practiced before having Juliette.


1o Things I Wish I Would Have Practiced

1. Eating with my right AND left hand.

2. Breathing through my mouth.

3. Taking a shower, drying off, getting dressed, drying and styling my hair, and applying makeup in two minutes or less.

4. Fixing dinner with a squirming, twenty-pound weight on my hip.

5. Functioning with only 2-3 hours of straight sleep at a time.

6. Sucking in my stomach really tight, so I can button my favorite pair of pants.

7. Cleaning really tiny ears, and clipping really tiny nails.

8. Packing a diaper bag so nothing essential is left behind.

9. Tuning out the "I'm-so-tired-that-I'm-fighting-sleep" cry.

10. Installing and buckling a complicated . . . a very complicated . . . a pull-your-hair-out, want-to-cry, call-your-husband, give-up-and-stay-home carseat.


Of course, if I would have practiced those things before having Juliette, I probably would have decided that I wasn't mother material.

I guess I don't wish I would have practiced those things after all.

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