Our trip was wonderful - and there will be plenty of pictures and stories coming later this week. Of course, I didn't nearly lose all of my pictures when I accidentally threw my camera away yesterday. Nor did I nearly go crazy searching the house high and low for it. Providentially, I decided to dig through the trash, and I did not find it happily nestled between stale popcorn and a Sonic drive-thru bag. No, I always take good care of my electronics, especially those that hold valuable images. No, I'd never do something that bird-brained. Not me!
Packing so light, I did not heavily improvise when it came to "containing" Juliette. I certainly didn't make her sleep in a dresser drawer all week . . .
I'd never use anything but "safe and approved" playpens and cribs for my child. Nor would I try to convince her that coasters and Tupperware are great "pseudo-toys". Nope, not me!
This week, when climbing the Bunker Hill Monument . . .
. . . I definitely did not think I was going to pass out climbing the 200+ steps. I mean, I'm supposed to be in semi-decent shape, training for an upcoming race and all. I'd never suck wind and have to stop and rest on nearly every landing. And at sea level too. Nope, not me!
We never misread train schedules, got lost, or barely missed the ferry. And I certainly didn't just lean against a trash bin and nurse Juliette in the scorching sun, while waiting on the pier for the ferry to return.
I definitely did not mispronounce the names of various places throughout the Boston area. And the man at the information desk at the train depot, didn't laugh at my butchering of the town Gloucester - calling it "Glou-chester" instead of "Glo-sta". Nope, not me!
Go here for more Not-Me-Monday fun::
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