"Have you seen my white shirt?" he asked.
"What white shirt?" I replied.
"You know, the white shirt that I bought that looks just like this one - only white," he proclaimed, pointing to the shirt he wore yesterday.
"I don't know what white shirt you're talking about," I answered, now peeking into the closet myself to see if maybe I could spot a shirt that would appease his quest.
"Is it in the laundry?" he inquired.
"The only shirts that I have in the ironing pile are your blue shirt, and your short sleeve tan shirt."
I left the room to start breakfast, while he continued to search every nook and cranny for his desired white shirt.
Ten minutes later he came in the kitchen, abandoning the seemingly fruitless search, and wearing yesterday's shirt.
And then he spotted it, lying right there on the ironing pile. That's right. His lovely "white" shirt. This "white" shirt, in fact:
Just goes to show you, men and women really do see things differently sometimes.
And of course a woman would never be caught dead wearing the same shirt two days in a row.
This was a hilarious post.