Tuesday, August 11, 2009

You Might be A Redneck If . . .

**The conditions for taking pictures were marginal last night, but I can't pass up the chance to share this. **

So why do my husband's most recent purchase (I'm not fond of the scantily clad hula girl, but at least he got it for a good deal off Craig's list),

. . . this lake . . .

. . . and some creative thinking . . .

. . . draw a small-town group of spectators?

And does something seem to be missing to you?



Anyone got a boat?

Juliette doesn't really care if they can't find the boat, she's just excited to be outside.

Okay, here is why people came out to see the show . . .

Or maybe it was more for the splash effects . . .

Truth be told, I think they came out for this. . .

That's right, our friend actually tried to ski on some 2 x 4s, using his sandals and duct tape.

Now don't YOU wish you had front row seats for that?


  1. Rachel Metzgar says you could not be bigger hicks if you tried, oh wait, you did try. P.S., there is no wake behind a four wheeler.

  2. This is hilarious. I'm so glad you posted these videos and pictures.
