There is always the option of eating canned or frozen versions, but frankly doing it yourself is a lot of work, and store bought or not, processing limits the nutritional value. Besides my husband has been caught eating an entire jar of peaches in one sitting (without sharing, I might add!), so there is NO WAY that I could can/freeze enough to keep up with his appetite.
So what's a girl to do? Well, I am learning that there are certain fruits and vegetables that last better than others. We eat the ones that will spoil more quickly at the beginning of the month, and towards the end of the month we eat more cabbage, yams, potatoes, zucchini, squash, etc. I also have discovered that if uncut and refrigerated, a watermelon will easily last at least a month. So guess what we've been eating this week?

She clearly doesn't want to share her piece with anyone. So don't even think about it!
Of course there is some fruit that will never go bad - the fruit that is produced in Christ. I'm praying that we'll have a bountiful supply of that fruit around here. Here's hoping that your home will have an abundant harvest of lasting fruit too.
"You didn't choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit . . ." - John 15:16
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