My new year's resolution this year was to become better at crossword puzzles. Because, frankly, I stink at them. And having an English degree, people pretty much assume that you know a thing or two about words. But when it comes to crossword puzzles, well . . . let's just say that it has been a flaw that I've tried to keep secret and hidden for many years - or at least the many years I sat through literature lectures. But I am improving. Okay, okay - improving might be considered a very generous word, but I am trying.
Anyhow, from time to time there is a clue about an "anything goes stew" or "hodge-podge" and the answer is olio. This is not to be confused with the word oleo which is the answer for another clue reading "margarine-like", and the word by which my grandmother still refers to Country-Crock Butter. Does anybody else's grandmother use that term for margarine? I've seriously never heard it used by anyone else but her, which is but one of the many reasons why she is so special to me.
Anyhow, in case you couldn't tell, I'm sort of in an olio mood. So the following is a hodge-podge of stuff that has been rolling around in my head. Beware, you might just wish that I had stuck to practicing my crossword puzzle skills!
- I've decided that one of the most wonderful things about having a child is that you get to be reintroduced to some of life's greatest little joys: like PB&Js, crayons, and the Rubber Ducky song.
- You can pretty much expect to never find anyone who says that their life turned out exactly like they expected it to. Hard, but true.
- Seth has been working on a beard for nearly 5 days now, and he definitely has a serious scruff going on. I used to think that the hair on my legs grew fast, but that is nothing compared to him. He is the fastest hair grower I know. Can they use facial hair to make wigs? Just think of all the bikers that could donate to Locks of Love.
- Isn't it fantastic that young children get as much enjoyment out of the gift wrapping as they do the actual gift?

- I grew up with the tradition that every birthday each member of the family had to say either a blessing and/or list some of the reasons why the birthday boy/girl was so special to them. That's a tradition I definitely want to keep. What are some of your favorite family traditions?
- If the producers of the Biggest Loser really wanted to help the world, they would strike a deal with the candy makers limiting the displaying of Halloween candy to October only. Seriously, does anyone need to start preparing for Halloween by buying their candy in August?
- My daughter is now turning everything in sight into a pretend phone. Blocks, stuffed animals, weeble people . . . even her hand will do in a pinch. I'm thinking that maybe I've been on the phone a little too frequently lately.
- Isn't ironic that the definition for olio also includes something about a style of beard? I'm not making it up - truly!
Enough of the olio - but since I'm sure you're wondering, here is my favorite crossword puzzle site:
This is so funny, I saw the title to this post and I thought, "Olio, like potpurri, not the oleo with an 'e' like margarine." I guess crossword puzzles really do help the brain :-) And my grandma says oleo, too.