"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." - Jesus
"I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." - Jesus
And I didn't manage to get my freshly cleaned foot in any of the pictures either.
Nor did I continue to take pictures while the steam started to fog up the camera lens.
Nope, not me!
My daughter has not started grinding her teeth (does anyone have ANY advice on this?), nor have I resorted to letting her have her pacifier in order to keep her from doing this.
Seth and I also did not drive around town last night looking at various houses for sell. That would be silly, since we still own our house in The Big City, and we're not even sure if God wants us to buy a house here. Spend time shopping when you're not even going to buy? Nosirree. Not me!
We did not enjoy a community wide picnic this weekend either. Nor did I tie a balloon to Juliette's wrist and let her crawl around the park with it. Balloons are too dangerous for little children. Not me!
Nor did I have impeccable timing when it came to this shot. Let's just say my child does not get her big head, full of hot air, from me. No way. Definitely not me!
More Not-Me-Monday Fun:
My new year's resolution this year was to become better at crossword puzzles. Because, frankly, I stink at them. And having an English degree, people pretty much assume that you know a thing or two about words. But when it comes to crossword puzzles, well . . . let's just say that it has been a flaw that I've tried to keep secret and hidden for many years - or at least the many years I sat through literature lectures. But I am improving. Okay, okay - improving might be considered a very generous word, but I am trying.
Anyhow, from time to time there is a clue about an "anything goes stew" or "hodge-podge" and the answer is olio. This is not to be confused with the word oleo which is the answer for another clue reading "margarine-like", and the word by which my grandmother still refers to Country-Crock Butter. Does anybody else's grandmother use that term for margarine? I've seriously never heard it used by anyone else but her, which is but one of the many reasons why she is so special to me.
Anyhow, in case you couldn't tell, I'm sort of in an olio mood. So the following is a hodge-podge of stuff that has been rolling around in my head. Beware, you might just wish that I had stuck to practicing my crossword puzzle skills!
Enough of the olio - but since I'm sure you're wondering, here is my favorite crossword puzzle site: http://www.webcrosswords.com/
Did I say sugar? Whoops, I absolutely didn't make the cake with sugar, because I'd never let my child eat such stuff at such a young age! What sort of mother do you think I am? Definitely not me!