Recently my sister-in-law answered the question, "Glass half empty, or half full?" with the reply, "Half full, or at least on its way up". I totally love that response, and if it is okay with her, I'm going to start using it. I mean let's face it, life isn't always hunky-dory, rainbows and roses, yellow smiley faces, feel-good good. Sometimes life disappoints us, turns us upside down, and well, leaves us feeling drained - definitely more empty than full. Anyone who says otherwise either is in denial, or hasn't lived long enough.But "half-empty" doesn't cut it for me either. Especially because Christ has given us some major promises to hold onto during those "draining" times - promises that He'll never leave us, that He'll work everything out for good, promises that He has a plan for our lives, and that, even when it feels like we're lower than low, we are ultimately "on our way up" to be with Him. So even though I used to always say that I was a "half-full" sorta gal, thanks to my wonderful sister-in-law, I going to be honest from here on out and say, "If it ain't half-full, it's at least on its way up".

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