Maybe all of you
expert mommies out there already know this trick, but I just stumbled upon it. Since Juliette started eating finger foods, I've tried to get her to eat bananas, cutting them into thin slices and setting them on her highchair tray. The trouble was that she couldn't pick up the slices, as they tended to sort of suction themselves to the tray, and she didn't have the manual dexterity to pick them up.
But today I had the bright idea of cutting them into wedges instead of slices. Like this:

(You really should just ignore my reflection in the knive - yes, the reflection with the really big nose.)

Anyhow, the good news is that now she can pick them up easily.

Now I just have to figure out how to get her to stop. . .

. . . shoving so many in her mouth.

Any ideas?
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