Monday, March 15, 2010

Not-Me-Monday: Easter Bunnies & Scrabble

This week I did not devour my child's chocolate bunny that she received from her aunt. It's not even close to Easter, I'm trying to watch my calorie intake, and I'd never steal candy from a baby. Nope, not me!

This week I did not exploit the fact that my husband was on spring-break from his online master's classes, and asked him to help me with several enormous projects that took up nearly every second of his spare time. I realize he works incredibly hard, and I respect his down-time. Not me!

When my in-laws were here I did not sit back and let them wash dishes, cook dinner, change my daughter's diaper, and even get up with her in the middle of the night. Not a chance. (Have I mentioned that I have the most amazing in-laws!!!!)

And when we played Scrabble, I did not keep rearranging everyone's letters to "help" them get more points. Nope, I'm never that crazy about word games. Definitely not me!


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1 comment:

  1. Stealing candy from a baby! Ha ha! That made me laugh. I would never do that either. Can you send your in-laws my way next weekend for some cleaning? :) Fun post! Have a great week.
