Thursday, March 11, 2010

First Picture

Forget the mother-of-the-year award. I don't have a scrapbook or even a photo album put together of all of Juliette's cute first food, first bath, first fingernail clipping photos. And I admit, I feel a bit inferior and guilty about this.

Until I remember that I don't even have our wedding photos in an album. Then I feel a whole lot more guilty about that, and it sort of out-weighs the I'm-not-a-good-mother-because-I-haven't-documented-your-every-move guilt.

I do have a free calendar from the hardware store that I hung on my fridge and when she took her first step and when she threw her first fit I jotted down the dates. And I've taken a ton of pictures. So the reality of it is, when she graduates and heads of to college, she's probably going to get a food-stained calendar and a shoe box filled with Cd's of digital pictures in no apparent order. Not quite the beautiful scrapbook filled with beautifully positioned photographs and lovingly scripted entries. But it will have to do.


On the flip side, here is Juliette's first photograph. She held the camera, aimed, and took her very first picture by herself. Yep - it's my foot. And yep - it's a very dirty sock on my foot.

Laundry? Scrapbooking? Eh . . . who needs that mother-of-the-year award anyways?

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