Monday, March 29, 2010

Not-Me-Monday: Are There Blueberries On My Teeth?

This week, my child's missing toothbrush was not found hiding out inside my husband's guitar. I did not previously search the house from top to bottom looking for that missing toothbrush. Of course, I didn't even think to check inside all of the musical instruments. Silly me. And I certainly did not find the toothbrush after I had driven 45 miles one-way to buy a replacement. Nope, not me!

I did not stick my BIG FAT foot into my BIG FAT mouth this week by ranting to a room full of ladies about how I needed to throw a bunch of pictures away so my children would not have to filter through them someday and throw them away themselves. Especially, since the reason we were together was because it was a Creative Memories sales presentation. And I definitely did not say such rash words after one of the dear souls had just finished telling everyone how she has a closet full of albums that she has carefully created to preserve her memories. Yeah, that was real classy. Not me.

I have not been guilty of nagging my husband about his eating habits this week either. In fact, when we were doing some homework for a marriage class that we are participating in, and we had to write a list of things that our spouses do to make us feel loved, my husband did not write "I feel loved when my wife doesn't say a word about me eating ice cream after 9:00 o'clock". Oh dear. Who is he talking about? Certainly not me!

There have been a lot of others not-so-glorious, do-tell moments this week, but the treadmill is calling my name rather loudly at the moment. So I am going to cut this short. Why? Probably because then I'd have to confess that somebody ate half a blueberry-rhubarb pie this weekend. Wonder who that was? Um, yeah . . . not me. Gotta run. Literally.

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Monday, March 15, 2010

Not-Me-Monday: Easter Bunnies & Scrabble

This week I did not devour my child's chocolate bunny that she received from her aunt. It's not even close to Easter, I'm trying to watch my calorie intake, and I'd never steal candy from a baby. Nope, not me!

This week I did not exploit the fact that my husband was on spring-break from his online master's classes, and asked him to help me with several enormous projects that took up nearly every second of his spare time. I realize he works incredibly hard, and I respect his down-time. Not me!

When my in-laws were here I did not sit back and let them wash dishes, cook dinner, change my daughter's diaper, and even get up with her in the middle of the night. Not a chance. (Have I mentioned that I have the most amazing in-laws!!!!)

And when we played Scrabble, I did not keep rearranging everyone's letters to "help" them get more points. Nope, I'm never that crazy about word games. Definitely not me!


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Friday, March 12, 2010

Duck . . . duck . . . duck . . .

. . . alas, no goose.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

First Picture

Forget the mother-of-the-year award. I don't have a scrapbook or even a photo album put together of all of Juliette's cute first food, first bath, first fingernail clipping photos. And I admit, I feel a bit inferior and guilty about this.

Until I remember that I don't even have our wedding photos in an album. Then I feel a whole lot more guilty about that, and it sort of out-weighs the I'm-not-a-good-mother-because-I-haven't-documented-your-every-move guilt.

I do have a free calendar from the hardware store that I hung on my fridge and when she took her first step and when she threw her first fit I jotted down the dates. And I've taken a ton of pictures. So the reality of it is, when she graduates and heads of to college, she's probably going to get a food-stained calendar and a shoe box filled with Cd's of digital pictures in no apparent order. Not quite the beautiful scrapbook filled with beautifully positioned photographs and lovingly scripted entries. But it will have to do.


On the flip side, here is Juliette's first photograph. She held the camera, aimed, and took her very first picture by herself. Yep - it's my foot. And yep - it's a very dirty sock on my foot.

Laundry? Scrapbooking? Eh . . . who needs that mother-of-the-year award anyways?

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Things That Seem Strange To Me

* How it can be snowing cereal-sized flakes and the sun can still be shining.

* How even if you didn't pay any tax, and you don't owe any tax, you still have to file a non-resident tax return to a certain state, should you be renting out a house that you own there.

* Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday.

* Our President is a smoker.

* Why it is so difficult to come up with ideas for dinner. We eat dinner every day. You'd think by now I'd be an expert at it.

Yes - strange. Very strange indeed.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Not-Me-Monday: Playing-n-Pajamas

This week I did not get a babysitter to watch Juliette so that I could visit our neighbor and hold her newborn baby undistracted. Not me!

This week we did not drive 10+ hours to pick-up a deal that we found on Craig's list.

I also did not agree to a family trip of 13+ hours in the car (one way!) to visit friends later this month. After our Craig's list adventure you'd think I'd realize that my backside might not be able to handle that many hours in the car. Not me!

I did not pinch my husband's arm right in the middle of a prayer at church, because I was mad at him about something he had said shortly before. No way! I'd never be that childish or trivial. Not me!

And I did not let my child play at an indoor jungle-gym while she was still wearing her pajamas that were covered in syrup from her morning pancakes. Nope, definitely not me!


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Friday, March 5, 2010

Spring Fever

The weather has been glorious lately. I've traded in the heavy down jacket for mud boots. I no longer have to start the car a half hour before I plan to go some where, just so the stiff leather seats have a chance to thaw out a little. I've even been comfortable leaving a sippy cup in the backseat for a couple of hours, because I knew it wouldn't freeze and explode.

Of course, March is supposedly our snowiest month here on the High Arid Plains, and I know that the weather man is probably not lying when he says that we have snow in our near future. But I can't help but let my spirit soar when I hear the sound of robins, or take in the intoxicating smell of damp, fertile soil. Spring may not be here, but it is coming.

And just because I might see a few (okay probably a lot more than a few) snowflakes before spring is truly here, I'm not going to stop enjoying the signs that spring is on its way. So if you see me smiling a little more brightly, wearing short sleeves, and walking with a little more pep in my get-up, please don't worry. I'm completely aware spring isn't here. But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy a little spring fever, right?

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Playing Dress-Up

Last week when we had some friends over, we were visited by a couple of princesses. (I knew those $5.00 after-Halloween costume purchases would be a hit, even if Juliette is a little young yet).

But they weren't the only one's playing dress up around here. Let's just say, that when Seth watched Olympic hockey, he really got into it.

He lives out this verse more than anyone I know: "Whatever you hand finds to do, do it with all your might. . ." Ecc. 9:10.

Love you babe!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Words of Wisdom

Don't ever doubt that the little things are important.
"Today's ripple is tomorrow's wave, which is next year's flood." - Max Lucado

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

nOt ToO sTiR cRaZy

This little dress is called a Two-Summer Sundress and you can get the pattern for free here.

You do have to have a Ravelry account to access the pattern, but if you don't have a Ravelry account already, you should get one. It is completely free and completely worth it. This sight has a searchable database of hundreds of free knitting and crocheting patterns.

And since winter usually seems quite long right about now, it's nice to have a plethora of projects to keep one inspired (a.k.a. busy enough to not get too stir crazy). Happy creating!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Not-Me-Monday: On the Road

Two weeks ago we did a lot of traveling in the car. And I definitely did not use some "coping methods" to keep Juliette content. I would never resort to giving her a lollipop to preserve the peace. Nor would I quickly unwrap a second lollipop when the first one had disappeared. Not me!

I did not hide out in the hotel bathroom during Juliette's nap time, because I had a hunch that she might fall asleep quicker if she couldn't see me. And I did not post a status update on Facebook confessing that I was using the internet from our hotel bathroom. Not me!

While we were eating out, Juliette did not get to taste the whipped cream on Daddy's hot chocolate. Nor did I seriously contemplate not pulling out my camera, because the people at the next table over kept saying, "I bet they wish they had a camera right about now". I mean, I'm never embarrassed to admit that I am a doting mother that enjoys taking countless pictures of her child. Nope, not me.

I did not use lotion on my hair instead of conditioner. Nope, I always read the tiny print on the hotel-provided toiletries very carefully.

And on our way home, I did not give Juliette her own piece of pizza and allow her to make a complete mess in her car seat. That would be a ridiculous thing for a neat freak like me to do. Definitely, not me!

I didn't give her a napkin after the fact either. Why bother? Seriously.


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