Friday, October 9, 2009

Hats, Halloween, and Other H Words

So this is a picture of my latest project. It's a hat for Juliette. Hopefully I'll be finishing it soon, as it is snowing again, and even though I've gone through her entire closet, I can't seem to find a warm hat for my darling child. I hate that!

You can actually get a free copy of the pattern yourself here. I adjusted the pattern to fit her head by using a size 6 needle and only casting on 70 stitches. This works for a child with a 18 1/2 inch head. Hope that helps!

Okay, now I'm going to rant a moment. I completely understand if you want to hurry away now, or even head to the hills, but I'm still going to have my say. Hold on to your hats. Don't say I didn't warn you.

I officially hate Halloween. I know that a few of my relatives are probably going to disown me right about now, and I have (or should I say had?) some friends that might too, but I have to confess that Halloween is horrid to me. I mean, the dressing up is sort of fun, all the costumes and make-up. But there is something just not right about a holiday where it is acceptable to decorate your house by staging a hanging in your front yard. And the ghoulish creatures and freaky characters are just gross - not fun, gross. I hate that our grocery store has a shriveled up, scary looking goblin hitched to the checkout lane. What am I supposed to say to Juliette, "Look honey, there's a terrifying spook that is probably going to give you nightmares"?

Of course the candy is always a nice perk, but serious, who really needs another 5 lbs. on their hips? And then there is always the dilemma that Christians face - how do we participate in a holiday that celebrates demons, witches, and goblins (or at least sort of does)? There is always the Harvest festival idea - which is basically Halloween sold under a different name so we feel less bad about it. But let's be honest - it is just Halloween re-mix style. Still sort of counts as participating in my book.

I don't have the answer here. Some years we've dressed up - some years we've gone out to dinner to avoid having to participate in festivities we really didn't want to participate in. And now having a child, I really don't know what we should do. Do we get a costume for her? Do we take her trick-or-treating, even if it means that I'll be the one eating all the candy? What do we tell her? What is right for our family? I don't know. I just don't know.

Yeah, I really hate Halloween.

1 comment:

  1. Halloween is not my deal either. Getting a "perfect" costume for the kids = materialism where all the kids are keeping up with the Joneses. I HATE that part. I also hate the ghoulishness as well....what's cool or fun about that?
