Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Daddy, Turn Me Around Please

Sunday Juliette started using her birthday bike as a walker. She's a true Arid High Plains sort of girl - she knows how to improvise and make-do with what's at hand. She sure is proud of her new found toddling skills though, even if she isn't quite ready to try them out minus the bike.

So Sunday night, after Seth took down the tent from our dining room, he helped Juliette cruise. She would push the bike from one end of the living room to the other. When she finally bumped it up against a wall or a couch, she would stop, look straight at her daddy and whimper. Now I'm sure she was saying, "Daddy, turn me around please." Although I have to admit that her tone of voice indicated a bit more forceful request like, "Hurry up old man. Can't you see I'm waiting" sort of thing.

But this morning, as I was contemplating how big she is getting, I was suddenly touched by her example. When Jewel hit a road block, she didn't get mad at what was in her way and she didn't get mad at herself for being in that situation. Instead, she looked straight at the one who could help her out of the whole predicament, and said (I'm sure of it!), "Daddy, turn me around please".

Though I'm loathe to admit it, there's definitely a life lesson for me here. So next time I find myself butted up against wall, instead of getting frustrated with myself, or whatever is in the way, I'm going to say, "Daddy, turn me around please". And even if it does come out all garbled and whiny, I'm confident that He'll know what I really am trying to say.

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