I'll never forget sitting in my driveway that dark autumn night. It was late, I was returning home from some evening activity, and my heart was trudging through all the trouble that comes with teenage angst. I don't really remember exactly what I was so upset about, but I remember a certain song come on the radio just as I was parking my car, and as my fingers slowly loosened their grip from the steering wheel, the pent-up tears gently weaved their way down my cheeks and into my lap. I sat in the darkness and listened. It was as if God Himself was whispering those lyrics of healing straight to my battered heart. And as the song continued, I hung on every word, and let the message soak into my soul.
Zephaniah 3:17 says that God sings over us. Just like a mother stands over her child's crib and sings songs of comfort and love, God the Father tenderly stands over His children, singing words that speak to their hearts.
Lately, the song "Your Hands" by JJ Heller, seems to be the soundtrack of my soul. Of course, if you've turned on Christian radio at all during the last 6 months, you've probably heard it at least 4 dozen times. But even though I've heard it at least that much, it still touches me in much the way that other special song did in my driveway so many years ago. It's the message that I need to hear right now. It is the melody that resonates with my heart. It is the gentle voice of love. It is my Father singing over me.
Amen - I love that song too. And isn't it weird that that scripture is one that has been on my heart recently as well. It paints a beautiful picture for me :) Love you and pray for you often...