Saturday, February 13, 2010

Popping for Less

Juliette is going to see her "Pop" next week. That is how she says Grandpa. It is also how she asks for a lollipop and one of her more favorite snacks - popcorn.

The good news is that I recently learned a cheaper way to make her happy. Instead of buying the regular microwave popcorn, or using a lot of butter/oil to pop the corn on the stove top, I have just been putting a single layer of popcorn in a glass dish and popping it for around 5-6 minutes. An entire bag of regular popcorn is about the same price as a package of microwave popcorn packets, but I bet it makes 30 times more popcorn.

A warning though. You need to cover your dish with a plate. Otherwise, you end up with this:

Oh well. Lesson learned.

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