Monday, December 21, 2009

Not-Me-Monday: The Christmas Tree

I have not been so sporadic with writing Not-Me-Monday posts that I have actually resolved to start jotting down applicable situations (a.k.a. embarrassing scrapes and scrambles) as they happen. Of course, I have not completely failed to do so. Not me!

I did not suggest to my husband that he cut down one of the few Christmas trees growing in the a desolate mountain valley because I liked the color and shape better than the plethora of trees that were further up the side of the hill. I would never be that shallow. And I would not continue to pester him about that particular tree, even when we both agreed that it was about 8 feet larger than what we needed. Not me! And while we did go with a more "appropriate tree," I am not keeping that other tree in mind for next year.

The other day I was not in such a hurry to use the restroom before taking one of my daycare children to preschool, that I failed to check the position of the toilet seat. As I was sitting down, I did not proceed to urinate all over a closed seat. Not me! That would be totally disgusting!

The star on our tree is not crooked. Nor has it been imitating the tower of pisa pretty much from day one.

When Juliette is eating a particularly messy snack, and I do not have a towel nearby, I have not been known to just put her entire hand in my mouth so that I can get a majority of the mess off. Sucking on your child's hand is taking the whole "mother's spit is clean idea" WAY too far. I would never do that. Not me!

I did not start to wish we hadn't put up a Christmas tree, after spending about two days trying to keep Juliette from demolishing not only the tree but the ornaments too. Not me! I would never get frustrated with training her, but instead would embrace it as a wonderful opportunity to teach my child self-restraint.

Queen Anne's Cordial Cherries are disgusting. But I would not proceed to forget that fact EVERY single year. I would not have to be half-way through a bite to remember that they sting my throat, they taste waxy, and that they are definitely not worth the calories. Of course, I did not find a brand of chocolate covered cherries this year, that are worth the calories. Not me. That would just be plain dangerous!


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Friday, December 18, 2009

Update on Seth

I've been woefully remiss in updating everyone on Seth's tests. There is good news and bad news. The good news is that the numbers on Seth's liver panel are down. The bad news is, they are still abnormally high. So he has an appointment scheduled for the first week of January with a specialist, and we will go from there.

God is good. After venting here on this blog, I was blessed with a new sense of peace. So much so, in fact, that posting an update completely slipped my mind (We got the results pre-Thanksgiving!). Anyhow, thanks for praying for me and our family, and thanks for continuing to pray for Seth's health.

God is good - all the time!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Getting a Christmas Tree

Heading out to cut a Christmas tree last weekend


Really Chillin'

Should daddy put that saw at my feet?

Winter Wonderland

Just some options

The one I love (the tree and the man)

Back in the car, warm and cozy

Thursday, December 10, 2009

A Little Young

In my opinion, one year of age is a little young for lip piercing. Just saying.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Words of Wisdom Wednesdays

"For years psychologists have postulated that anger is not a primary emotion. Anger is actually a secondary feeling or response to a more primary emotion. If you are feeling angry there are typically four deeper primary emotions underneath it. These are Guilt, Inferiority, Fear, and Trauma (or hurt and pain).

"In order for you to remember the deeper emotions, we developed an acronym to help you . . . GIFT. . . . This acronym can help family members discover their root emotions, and this can actually be a gift to them. . . .Identifying these deeper emotions helps familes deal with what is really going on within their souls."

- Drs. Beverly and Tom Rodgers (Taken From: Becoming a Family that Heals)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Santa's Coming . . .

This weekend my aunt and uncle hosted a special holiday party for our extended family and a few other special guests.

I think Juliette was pretty excited that Santa shops at Target.

But she wasn't so sure about Santa himself.

However, being the great guy that he is, he knows how to bribe people into a better mood.

Even though she liked her gift, she made sure she kept her eye on him.

She just wasn't sure if she could trust a guy with a beard longer than daddy's.

Honestly, can you blame the girl? (Thanks Kent & Susan for a wonderful party!)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Not-Me-Monday: It's the Holidays

It must be the Holidays! I have not been so busy with other things that I'm woefully behind on blogging. Nope, not me! I always stay on top of documenting our eventful lives.

We have had plenty of snow and cold. Of course, I never track any of that snow in the house. Not me! And Juliette never plays with the snow that I bring inside. Nor has she ever tried to eat that snow either. Definitely not!

And when it is freezing outside, I never leave the door open, nor has Juliette snuck through that door to get a handful of the white stuff. Certainly not.

And that dirt in the door track? That doesn't belong to me. No way! I always have a clean house.

I did not let me child have cookies and ice cream over the past couple of weeks. Not me! I try to make sure that she eats as healthy as possible!

And Juliette doesn't like ice cream either! See how much she left in the bowl?

On a recent visit to my family, I did not idly sit by as my siblings decorated Seth while he was taking a nap. I did not take more pictures of him than I did of the Christmas tree either. Nope, not me!

I have not spent the past two weekends shopping, shopping, shopping. I did not get up at 1:00 am on Black Friday to stand in line at Old Navy. And I did not shop for nine hours that Saturday. And I did not enjoy it all.

Of course, I have not been just piling the shopping bags on our guest room bed, nor am I bit daunted by the mountain of gifts I have to wrap now. Nope, not me.

Yep, it's the holidays. I love this time of year!


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