When Juliette is eating a particularly messy snack, and I do not have a towel nearby, I have not been known to just put her entire hand in my mouth so that I can get a majority of the mess off. Sucking on your child's hand is taking the whole "mother's spit is clean idea" WAY too far. I would never do that. Not me!
I did not start to wish we hadn't put up a Christmas tree, after spending about two days trying to keep Juliette from demolishing not only the tree but the ornaments too. Not me! I would never get frustrated with training her, but instead would embrace it as a wonderful opportunity to teach my child self-restraint.
Queen Anne's Cordial Cherries are disgusting. But I would not proceed to forget that fact EVERY single year. I would not have to be half-way through a bite to remember that they sting my throat, they taste waxy, and that they are definitely not worth the calories. Of course, I did not find a brand of chocolate covered cherries this year, that are worth the calories. Not me. That would just be plain dangerous!