Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Humor Me

Humor me a minute . . . but I need to vent.

Tonight Seth and I attended the open forum our town was holding for all candidates who were running for state and local office.  The good news was that the attendance was up - compared to the forum that was held prior to the primary elections.  And our town is small, and our county pretty sparsely populated, and there were a lot of other events going on tonight - BUT SERIOUSLY PEOPLE, WHERE WERE YOU? 

I get that politics isn't everybody's forte.  I understand that people are disillusioned and frustrated by what they've seen and continue to see in Washington - or even at a state level.  But candidates don't just get their jobs magically - they get there because of voters just like you and me.  And if we blindly go to vote and have no idea who we are voting for, or recognize the names on the ballot, or have a face for that name, or any clue about what ideas might be rolling around in the brain behind that face - aren't we just as guilty for the state of the nation as those who make the decisions?

And to my generation who was woefully underrepresented tonight - SERIOUSLY, WHERE WERE YOU?  I know we are busy with our careers, and raising children, and watching the Biggest Loser but we are adults now - it's time we started acting like it.  It's time we stood up and accepted our civic responsibilities.

I don't watch CSPAN on a regular basis - I've never contributed to a campaign - and when I turned eighteen I didn't register to vote in time for the election that year.  But seriously, I do believe there is value in being an informed voter - and when the candidates come to our backyard, surely we all should jump at the opportunity to get to know them a little better.  SO, WHERE WERE YOU?

I hope I don't have to complain about the attendance at tomorrow night's local candidates forum.   I'd certainly hate to ask you to humor me again. 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Angela, awesome! Thank you, I totally agree!
