This summer Jewel and I were blessed to attend NCCC. This is a Bible camp for preteens and junior highers, and it is something that I've been privileged to be a part of for many years now. Four of my siblings were campers this year, so we had a great time together worshiping and learning of God together. Juliette had the time of her life being doted on by a whole camp of kids.

Here we go - we're on our way!

Wake Up Everyone! Mornings at the Outdoor Chapel
Seeing a large bear walk through the middle of camp was a first. Sorry no pics on that one! But we of course enjoyed great singing, hilarious skits, a few pranks, and a lot of Jesus.
Camp means even more to me now, as a parent. It is so valuable to have a week full of fun, faith, and fellowship - a week that allows young people the opportunity to interact with each other and with their Creator.
The thing that made this year so special was that many of the counselors were young adults who had been campers the first couple of years I worked at NCCC. What a blessing to see them serving the Lord and ministering to a new crop of campers. God is good!
"For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." - Psalms 100:5

Juliette Swinging with Aunt Hannah
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