Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Words of Wisdom
"Life is too short to refrain from eating jam out of the jar."
- The Mountain Goats, "Jam Eater Blues"
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Cake Know-How
So in researching how to make an Elmo Cake I came across this great website:
This site is an open forum for individuals to post pictures and how-to steps for cakes that they've created. Everything from animal and animated cakes to vehicle cakes and sport themed cakes. They had over 7 pages of Elmo cakes alone! It was very helpful to browse through other people's ideas and suggestions, and I definitely think I'll be checking out their site next time a novelty cake is requested.
But if the amount of times Juliette has asked for Elmo cake since her birthday is any indication, I may be making the same cake for years to come.
This site is an open forum for individuals to post pictures and how-to steps for cakes that they've created. Everything from animal and animated cakes to vehicle cakes and sport themed cakes. They had over 7 pages of Elmo cakes alone! It was very helpful to browse through other people's ideas and suggestions, and I definitely think I'll be checking out their site next time a novelty cake is requested.
But if the amount of times Juliette has asked for Elmo cake since her birthday is any indication, I may be making the same cake for years to come.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Not-Me-Monday: Parenting Adventures
This week Juliette did not decide to expand her artistic repertoire to include such mediums as our beige ottomans. And espying our beige furniture "decorated" with dark ball-point pen, I did not throw a fit that would make any two-year-old jealous. I did not act like they were expensive, irreplaceable items that had been in the family for centuries instead of cheap, poorly made footrests that were already championing some stains from Seth's late night snacking. Nope, not me!
At Juliette's preschool's open house, she did not try to eat the plastic cheese. I did not try to discreetly smuggle the pretend food away from her and into the back where I rinsed it off either. Not me!
I did not let Juliette "help" can peaches by merely giving her a bowl full of pits and peels. She did not then proceed to eat the peels and suck on the pits. That's just cruel.
Later I did not find that she had managed to get her hands on a "real" peach, only to apparently find it rather boring. Certainly not.
Juliette is not obsessed with rocks. I do not find them littered about my house, nor do we have to stop every fifteen feet whenever we are outside in order to let her pick up and closely inspect a "better" rock. They are not stacked up on our porch, nor did I actually find one this week, the size of a orange, rolled up in her sheets. I did not add "check bed for rocks" to my mental list for her bedtime routine. Nope not me!
Parenting is most definitely not full of adventures!
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Birthday Celebrations Cont.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Birthday Celebrations
Before I was a mom I had all of these ideas of how I was going to do things. I know that this probably won't come as a complete shock to all who knew me before I was a mom. And it probably won't come as a complete shock to all who met me after I was a mom. But there is a part of me that wants, wishes, okay REALLY, REALLY HOPES that becoming a mom has made me a better person - a more relaxed person, a more flexible person, and do I dare say it . . . a more fun person.
The "before I was a mom" person had certain ideas about motherhood and parenting. Including some very specific ideas about birthdays. Don't laugh . . . I'm totally serious here. In my previous personhood mind I felt like it was wrong (yes, wrong!) to always through large parties, buy elaborate presents, and make a big to-do over a child's birthday. I felt strongly that this only encouraged materialism and taught the child that it was okay to buy into our commercialized society.
But that was before I saw this . . .

. . . my little girl full of anticipation over opening her birthday gift. Don't get me wrong, I still want her to learn to appreciate the simple things. I still want her to learn the value of having a content heart. I want her to recycle, reuse, and repurpose. But honestly, right now I'm just enjoying watching her rip the paper.

The "before I was a mom" person had certain ideas about motherhood and parenting. Including some very specific ideas about birthdays. Don't laugh . . . I'm totally serious here. In my previous personhood mind I felt like it was wrong (yes, wrong!) to always through large parties, buy elaborate presents, and make a big to-do over a child's birthday. I felt strongly that this only encouraged materialism and taught the child that it was okay to buy into our commercialized society.
But that was before I saw this . . .
. . . my little girl full of anticipation over opening her birthday gift. Don't get me wrong, I still want her to learn to appreciate the simple things. I still want her to learn the value of having a content heart. I want her to recycle, reuse, and repurpose. But honestly, right now I'm just enjoying watching her rip the paper.
Like I said, motherhood has changed me.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Not-Me-Monday: Pony Tricks
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Why was Seth Wearing a Swim Cap?
Why was Seth wearing a swim cap? Because he is a good husband.
Why was Seth wearing a swim cap? Because he was testing it out.
Why was Seth wearing a swim cap? Because he loves me.
Why was Seth wearing a swim cap? Because he is willing to look like a dork for my sake.
Why was Seth wearing a swim cap? Because he was willing to spend our anniversary doing something I wanted to do.
Why was Seth wearing a swim cap? Because he wanted to practice swimming with it for the triathlon we competed in as a couple for our anniversary this year.
Yep that's my man- that handsome hunk trying to squeeze his head into a not-very-attractive, nor very comfortable swim cap. Boy do I love him!
Why was Seth wearing a swim cap? Because he was testing it out.
Why was Seth wearing a swim cap? Because he loves me.
Why was Seth wearing a swim cap? Because he is willing to look like a dork for my sake.
Why was Seth wearing a swim cap? Because he was willing to spend our anniversary doing something I wanted to do.
Why was Seth wearing a swim cap? Because he wanted to practice swimming with it for the triathlon we competed in as a couple for our anniversary this year.
Yep that's my man- that handsome hunk trying to squeeze his head into a not-very-attractive, nor very comfortable swim cap. Boy do I love him!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Swimming Fun

This summer our little Jewel-bug turned into quite the water bug.

But before we swim, Seth has to get his swim cap on.

Keep trying babe!

Keep trying babe!

Yeah - success!

I think that deserves a kiss!
Alright, we can go home now.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
First Day of School
Monday, September 13, 2010
Summer Camp
This summer Jewel and I were blessed to attend NCCC. This is a Bible camp for preteens and junior highers, and it is something that I've been privileged to be a part of for many years now. Four of my siblings were campers this year, so we had a great time together worshiping and learning of God together. Juliette had the time of her life being doted on by a whole camp of kids.

Here we go - we're on our way!

Wake Up Everyone! Mornings at the Outdoor Chapel
Seeing a large bear walk through the middle of camp was a first. Sorry no pics on that one! But we of course enjoyed great singing, hilarious skits, a few pranks, and a lot of Jesus.
Camp means even more to me now, as a parent. It is so valuable to have a week full of fun, faith, and fellowship - a week that allows young people the opportunity to interact with each other and with their Creator.
The thing that made this year so special was that many of the counselors were young adults who had been campers the first couple of years I worked at NCCC. What a blessing to see them serving the Lord and ministering to a new crop of campers. God is good!
"For the LORD is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations." - Psalms 100:5

Juliette Swinging with Aunt Hannah
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Goodbye Summer - Hello Posts
Obviously it has been a quiet summer on the post front. But as soon as I figure out how to download pictures from my new(ish) camera, I'll have lots to say. With gloriously warm(ish) days behind us, I'm determined to get back in the habit of writing posts on a more regular(ish) basis. So stay tuned!
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