And while these pictures are awfully cute, they don't capture what I really want - the real her.
For instances, yesterday I was quite disappointed when my attempts to sneak up on her and film her dancing to a video were thwarted by the fact that she spied me and quickly stopped dancing to make a cheesy pose for the camera. Bummer!
I wonder if that is what God feels about my religiosity at times. I wonder if He doesn't sometimes think, "Nice try little lady, but that cheesy religion you have going on down there doesn't trick me at all. Besides, sweet girl, all I really want is the real you. So anytime you want to stop being a ham would be okay by me."
Here is how The Message puts it:
"Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don't make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won't be applauding." (Matt. 6:1)
Let's face it - God already knows the real me, and He loves me anyhow. Just like I love my little girl – with or without her cheesy poses. So here's to less ham, less cheese, less religiosity, and more REAL.
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