I did not pick out a light tan color to paint the interior of our rental house that is probably more pink than tan. I did not spend all weekend trying to talk myself into the believing that it looked tan. I do not make terrible paint choices. And I have not made an I'm-sure-this-will-look-good-on-the-walls but it ends-up-looking-peachy-pink paint choice before. Not me!
I did not talk my husband into competing in a sprint triathlon for our anniversary. Especially since the race is three weeks away, and I've only half-heartedly been training, and he hasn't been training at all. Nope, not me!
Seth didn't give me a lengthy justification for why he "needed" a fillet board so that he wouldn't cut himself when cleaning fish, only to stab himself in the hand not more than 10 minutes later. Oh the irony! We did not panic either,and proceed to driving our truck to the ER without strapping down the bed full of boxes, groceries, that had a bike and a playhouse precariously perched on top of it all. Seth was not more worried about me turning the corner too fast and losing our Clampit-like load, then he was about the blood spurting all over him, his clothes, and me too! No way!
I did not finally take away Juliette's beloved pacifier. I do not think it was probably harder on me than it was on her. But after a few fussy bedtimes and a road trip without it, I do not think